Just a few thoughts on what's happening in the world right now and how I use meditation as a daily spiritual tool. Here it is.......

Meditation/prayer has always been a big part of my life. From childhood where prayer was a consistent practice in my family, to now as an adult where I still lean on prayer, but have also incorporated meditation into my spiritual routine. I find that it helps bring balance to my life, which I have always strived for. To me, balance is key! I find that if I take a moment during the day for meditation, I create a more positive environment for myself and the people around me.   Although, I only have control over myself and the environment I create, I so hope that the higher, more positive energy I attempt to create not only impacts me but is contagious spreading positivity much farther than I can see or know.

There is a lot going on in our world right now. Mother Earth has been letting us know that she is not happy.  Our environment has been hit with different types of natural disasters in the last couple of months. California, Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, and last but certainly not least, Puerto Rico. It’s heart wrenching to see and hear of the struggles that many people are facing.  The extreme destruction and loss in Puerto Rico coupled with the senseless murders in Las Vegas have left many people feeling empty, frustrated, hurt, sad, confused, and without the ability to cope and maintain their balance.

There are many things I could say to express my thoughts on the politics and negativity that surround these horrible events.  However, in light of spreading positivity and lifting our energy, I don't want to speak about some of the frustrating things that have come up in the aftermath, but instead encourage you all to find ways to find what brings peace and balance to your life right now.  

How do we move forward? 

If you are looking for ways to help, think about ways to donate money through reputable groups, donate blood to help the hundreds of victims in Las Vegas, start or participate in groups that are focused on helping FEMA disaster zones like Texas or Puerto Rico.  These acts of kindness no matter how small matter. Let's bring light and positive to those dark areas we all shudder to think about. Also, being mindful of our planet and living as eco-friendly as we can!

What can we do to heal ourselves after all the wreckage? 

I am a true believer that all change starts within yourself.  Healing takes root when we can be our true selves and live life through love.  

If we can start with ourselves, hopefully the love within you will become contagious. Perhaps maybe a little love is all our world needs. For me, meditation/prayer is just a little part of my life that helps do this. The more balanced, positive, and connected I am the more I can LOVE! 

My wish for you is to take time for yourself to THINK, SPEAK, AND ACT THROUGH LOVE. 

Let's LOVE ourselves, each other, and hopefully things will start to change. 

The end for now........
